At the January 1983 membership meeting for the Sno-Eagles at Club Forest, President Bill Stegmeyer announced that Jim Ayers is working with Forest County to get a trail funded going east along Highway 70. The club had a checking account balance of $4,185.00.
The photo shows the current Officers and Miss Sno-Eagle Cheri Adler.
In February 1983, the Sno-Eagles decided to retain ownership of the groomers that Headwaters uses to groom trails and that the club will give Headwaters $4,000 per year to fund grooming operations along with letting Headwaters use our groomers.
A little tragedy happened to the groomers with one BR groomer breaking through soft swamps in January and then the BR groomer loses a track while grooming in February.
Planning is underway for the Fourth of July activities. Jim Ayers reported the snowmobile trail is now open along Highway 70 E to the Kimball Creek trail. Jim also reported that Forest County will connect a trail up to our trail.
The trails closed March 7 due to weather.
The April 21, 1983 meeting took place at Sportsman’s Chalet. President Bill Stegmeyer said that Headwaters received $5,800 this year from their business support donation program. (side note: $5,800 in 1983 calculates to $14,900 in 2019 dollars) The Sno-Eagles run the Business Support Program today and have been exceeding $15,000 lately. Thank you to all the Business Support given to the Sno-Eagles.
Headwaters reported a total of 988 hours grooming and repairing equipment for the season.
A canoe trip and picnic will be scheduled for July 10.
Elections for 1983 were held at the September 15 meeting held at Persian Paradise. The results were Ace Roxbury elected President, Jack Haase V.P., Eleanor Stegmeyer Treasurer, and Marilyn Schoessow Secretary. It was reported the Phelps club is working on a trail to connect to our trails.
At the October meeting held at the Northwoods Bar, the club decided to hold guided rides this season on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week. The Flying Femmes (later to be called Women on Snow) will guide the Wednesday rides and the Sno-Eagles will guide to other two days. The Derby Dance and Ski-Doo raffle was set for January 20, 1984 at to be held at Golden Eagle. Plans are being made by Jim Ayers to get volunteers out to help prepare trails for the season.
At the December 15, 1983 meeting it was reported that Bombardier will pay for the band at the Derby Dance, and they will also purchase 100 luminaries for the Torchlight Parade. Governor Earl will lead the Torchlight Parade this year. The Sno-Eagles thanked Miss Sno-Eagle Dawn Duda for doing a great job this year. The selection of our next Miss Sno-Eagle will take place at the Christmas Dinner Dance.