January 2020 started out as a fairly routine snowmobile season. The COVID-19 pandemic had not started to affect us in the Northwoods yet.
Kortnie Volk was Miss Sno-Eagle 2019-2020.
The Wednesday and Thursday guided rides leaving from the Railroad Depot are off and running again this year. Ron Engels leads the Wednesday ride, and President Rusty Wolf leads the Thursday ride.
Member Keith Nettesheim donated two Ski-Doo snowmobiles to the club for trail inspection and trail maintenance.
The club was seeking volunteers to work at the WCDC concession stand for the January snowmobile races.
The 31st Annual Badger State Games kicked off on January 16 with a two-day snowmobile ride carrying the torch from Wausau to Eagle River. President Wolf organized this event with 14 other clubs, the AWSC, as well as the Badger State Games folks.
Miss Sno-Eagle, Kortnie Volk, carried the torch through Eagle River to the Snowmobile Headquarters Museum riding behind President Wolf on a snowmobile.
During the January membership meeting, the club presented plaques to Bob Stencil and Dick Decker as Honorary members of the club.
Bob Stencil retired and moved to Arizona. Over the years, Bob donated hundreds of hours to the club maintaining trails, maintaining trail signs, and helping out in the groomer shed.
Dick Decker has been instrumental in growing the sport of snowmobiling and has been active in all aspects of snowmobiling. Over the years and he helps with trail maintenance and trail support
Club volunteers assisted the USA Pond Hockey Association with trash pick-up at the National Pond Hockey Championship held on Dollar Lake. USA Hockey gave the club a nice donation for their efforts.
During the February Board of Directors meeting, Treasurer Fred made a motion to purchase a 2006 Pisten Bully with about 5000 hours that is in great shape for our fleet. The club approved the purchase of the 2006 Pisten Bully.
The Weekend Away hosted by Audrey Stearns and Linda Brunswick to Tomahawk was attended by 13 riders and another 7 guests. All members had a wonderful time.
In February, Treasurer Fred made a motion to give retiring Director Bugs Mathieu an Honorary membership for all his hours spent on trail maintenance and heading up the Ride with Pride fundraiser. Bugs also was a Director for 15 years and is not seeking reelection this year.
At the March Board of Directors meeting, Trail Boss Brian suggested purchasing a 2011 Pisten Bully with 2,000 hours. It is in great condition and the club could sell the New Holland T5 and get almost as much for the tractor as the selling price of the 2011 Pisten Bully. The Board approved this purchase and put the tractor up for sale. The balance will be paid upon delivery of the Pisten Bully in October or November.
The Sno-Eagles presented outgoing Miss Sno-Eagle, Kortnie Volk, a $1,000 scholarship check in August.
The annual Ride with Pride fundraiser name was changed to Groom to Ride. The raffle drawing for a new Ski-Doo snowmobile was held on February 29. The fundraiser brought in $22,600 for the three participating clubs. The Sno-Eagles portion was $11,300.
The Sno-Eagle Volunteer of the Year award went to Charlie Check for all his work on trails, equipment, and fundraising.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the club did not hold March or April membership meetings.
During the spring months, the Miss Sno-Eagle Committee was busy selecting Miss Sno-Eagle for 2020-2021. The committee members, Cheryl Wolf, Carole Linn, and Jessica Pollack, selected Cheyanne Warren to be Miss Sno-Eagle 2020-2021. Cheyanne is a sophomore at UW-Green Bay. Cheyanne was Miss Sno-Eagle 2018.
The annual election of Officers and Directors was conducted by mail due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Howard (Rusty) Wolf was re-elected as President; Deana Jansa was elected Secretary; and Dave Mroczynski and Charlie Check were directors.
Over the summer, Trail Boss Brian and a host of volunteers cleaned the two groomer sheds as well as the groomers.
With the Covid-19 pandemic still lurking around, the Board of Directors decided to hold board meetings at the VFW in order to ensure adequate space for social distancing. Because of the pandemic, the board decided to Livestream monthly membership meetings on Facebook. Trail Boss Brian and President Wolf were instrumental in getting sponsors for these meetings. This resulted in a professional broadcast at no cost to the club. Many thanks to Dan Dumas, from Kim Swisher Communications, for his professional skills in producing the broadcasts.
Beginning in September 2020, the Sno-Eagles meetings were broadcast live from the WCDC Derby Hall. The Livestream was very well received by members.
2020 will always be remembered as the year of gatherings being canceled and businesses struggling to remain open. The Sno-Eagles suspended the Saturday Night Out get-togethers in 2020.
Cheyanne Warren was crowned Miss Sno-Eagle for 2020-2021 at the October membership meeting in the WCDC Derby Hall.
The Snowmobile Safety Course scheduled for October was canceled due to the pandemic.
The Sno-Eagles Christmas Party was canceled due to the pandemic.
In November, the club received the 2011 Pisten Bully and paid with a bridge loan.
President Wolf led the planning efforts for the Badger State Winter Games Torch Ride in January 2021. The Torch Ride leaves Wausau and arrives in Eagle River via snowmobile on Friday of Derby weekend.
The New Holland tractor is for sale with a few clubs showing interest in it. In February 2021, the tractor eventually sold to a snowmobile club.
Director Charlie Check announced the Groom to Ride raffle ticket fundraiser is off and running. Charlie will be selling tickets at the Derby Hall during all five races this winter. Even with the pandemic and many events being canceled in 2020, the club still was fortunate to raise enough money to run the club through donations and fundraising. The Sno-Eagles are extremely fortunate to have the business community of Eagle River and club members support the club.