The January 9, 2018 Sno-Eagles board meeting was conducted at the World Snowmobile Headquarters Museum conference room. President Rusty Wolf informed the board that he has accepted Secretary Carol Radloff’s resignation as Secretary of Sno-Eagles. President Wolf will be the acting secretary for the balance of the season.
Treasurer Fred Rockafellow has been given direction from President Wolf to pursue IRS 501c3 status and to enlist an accounting firm in Minocqua to facilitate.
Board member Carole Linn has established Constant Contact as the email marketing platform for the Sno-Eagles. She will create weekly Constant Contact emails to the membership. Thank you, Carole!
The Board of Directors recognized the work of members Terry Smith, Jim Joritz and Marv Radloff in their efforts to keep all the equipment running. A big thank you to Terry, Jim and Marv.
Miss Sno-Eagle 2017-2018, Cara Swendson, was recognized at the meeting.
President Wolf presented a draft of a “wire diagram” to illustrate the organizational structure of the club.
In late January, the board was informed that Nobbe’s Cenex will donate $500 in fuel, D & S will donate $250 in fuel, and Wild Eagle Cenex will donate $250 in fuel. Trail Boss Brian will coordinate the fuel pick up.
In February, the Board of Directors approved the purchase of a 2002 Tucker with rubber tracks with a trade-in of the 1989 Tucker and an additional payment of $38,000.
The Ride with Pride fundraiser ended in late February with over $20,000 worth of tickets sold between the four clubs. The Sno-Eagles share was nearly $11,000. A big thank you to Steve Linn, Bugs Mathieu and Dick Matkin for all their hard work.
At the Annual Membership meeting in March, at Eagle Waters Resort, elections were held with Howard (Rusty) Wolf having more votes for president than Holly Tomlanovich. Natalie Spiess was elected Secretary, and Glenn Dalton and Bugs Mathieu were elected Directors.
Club member, Jim Joritz, was selected as Volunteer of the Year for 2017.
Member Jim Klug received the Big Dumper Award for breaking his ankle while on his snowmobile while it was not moving!
In April, Marv and Carol Radloff announced they will host a Weekday Away to Florence, WI in February of 2019.
The Vilas County Fair Board rejected the club offer of $1,000 to run the fair food booth.
The Brat and Bake sale was held in July with Fred & Kathy Rockafellow chairing the event.
In August, the Sno-Eagles presented Miss Sno-Eagle, Cara Swendson, with a $500 scholarship donated by Boat Sport Marina.
It was announced that the AWSC accidental insurance for snowmobilers has been cancelled.
Trail Boss Brian told the club that volunteers have the T5 New Holland tractor and the 2002 Tucker all set for the winter. The 2005 Bombardier BR 180 is for sale, and the club has received an offer to purchase from a club in New York. Brian and Jim, the club mechanic, recommended selling the BR because of all the maintenance problems.
Brian noted the county was installing a new 25,000 pound bridge over the Buckatabon Creek on Trail 13N. Brian mentioned that he is in the early conversations with a couple who wants to get married on the Buckatabon bridge in winter. They are hoping the Sno-Eagles will assist in the event.
Marv Radloff installed a new sand point well and pressure tank at the groomer shed.
During the September membership meeting at Sweetwater Bar, President Wolf announced that the club bylaws committee worked over the summer to amend the club bylaws. The new bylaw changes will be published and voted on at the next meeting. The bylaws committee is composed of Fred Rockafellow, Judy Pacanowski, Chuck Bodie, Carole Linn, and President Wolf. They were thanked for their hard work over the summer.
The Miss Sno-Eagle committee composed of Cheryl Wolf, Carole Linn, and Jessica Pollack have selected Cheyanne Warren, a senior at Northland Pines, to be Miss Sno-Eagle for 2018-19.
Club secretary Natalie Spiess resigned and the President asked Deana Jansa to be the Acting Secretary for the balance of Natalie’s term.
Jerry and Sandra Lathrop were introduced as new members after joining the club during the meeting.
Scott and Carole Linn were the primary instructors for the Snowmobile Safety Class October 19-20.
By late October, the club received payment for the BR-180 which was sold to a club in New York. Trail Boss Brian and President Wolf are looking at a 2017 Pisten Bully groomer and will have some cost estimates soon.
In November, Treasurer Fred announced that the accountant in Minocqua submitted the required documentation for 501c3 IRS status. This will be a great step forward for the club as any donations to the club will then be tax-deductible.
In November, the Board of Directors approved the purchase of a nearly new 2017 Pisten Bully groomer for $222,000, with a full warranty.
The November membership meeting, held at the Riverstone Restaurant, was the official crowning of Cheyanne Warren as Miss Sno-Eagle 2018-2019.
The club Christmas Party was set for December 13 at Catch-22 with a German theme. President Rusty and his wife Cheryl are coordinating the event. There will be a German menu and music.
Ken Storms told the club that there is a nice article in the newspaper that announces member Bev Dittmar as the Wisconsin Snowmobiler of the Year. Congratulations Bev.
The club awarded Honorary Memberships to Audrey Stearns and Bev Dittmar for all their years of support of the Sno-Eagles. During the November membership meeting, President Wolf presented each lady with a beautiful wooden plaque.