President Ken Storms held the January board meeting at the Century 21 office and had a few special announcements. The first announcement being that Amy Decker and a few Sno-Eagles members have selected a new Derby Queen and Miss Sno-Eagle. Victoria Perkins will be the 2012 Derby Queen and Miss Sno-Eagle. She is a junior at Northland Pines. The second announcement from Ken was that our Facebook page had 1990 visits. Ken thanked Brian Scheid for his great work on Facebook.
Trail boss Tom suggested the groomer shed be rekeyed as transmission fluid, shop rags, and a barrel cart are missing. The board quickly approved the rekey issue. Treasurer Fred announced his engagement to Kathy Bohn.
In February, Fred told the Board that he will be tracking the maintenance expenses separately for the BR-180, the Husky, and the MTX for the Board to review what each piece is costing the club yearly. The Weekend Away trail ride was cancelled due to poor conditions, however, many members attended the event going by car.
Treasurer Fred Rockafellow reported in February that the Take Pride and Ride fundraiser ticket sales are at $4225 with $3524 coming from Derby weekend. The membership is at 168 currently. Weekend Away 2013 will be hosted by Fred Rockafellow, Kathy Bohn, and Chris and Tiffany Kloiber. With trails in fair to poor condition, Tom is still grooming. Wheels go down in areas that do not have snow. Eagle River had a “Leap Year” snow of 12 inches, which was welcomed by all and proved to be difficult to groom for the Husky and tractor. The snow made up for the lack of snow in January and February. Positions up for election in March are President, Secretary, and two directors. Steve Linn is heading up nominations
Dennis and Sandy Kirby will chair the Brat & Bake Sale at Trig’s on July 28. During the March elections, Ken Storms was re-elected President, Cheryl Storms Secretary, Bugs Mathieu and Brian Scheid as directors.
The club held its volunteer appreciation dinner at the Lincoln Town Hall in June. The club summer picnic will be held at the Kathan Inn on August 4.
Bob Stencil and his trail maintenance crew started brushing and trail maintenance on September 13. Brian suggested using a rented brush hog to cut grass and brush on trails and widen them. Bobby Collins has worked on the groomers over the summer and has them in good shape.
Holly stated that this year she will update trail conditions on the various websites, Facebook, and our phone message daily.
The Sno-Eagles rented a brush-hog in September, which Brian Scheid operated, to clean up many of our trails.
The Brat & Bake sale brought the club over $550. Dennis & Sandy Kirby, and Tiffany Kloiber were thanked for a great job with the Brat & Bake sale.
Fred and Kathy Rockafellow will be hosting the Weekend Away January 25-27, 2013 at the Comfort Inn in Ironwood, MI.
Karen Engels and Jeanine Mathieu have chosen the Eagle River Inn for this year’s Christmas party on December 1.
Bugs announced he will not chair the Take Pride and Ride raffle, so the club will do it by committee this year. The grand prize will be an Artic Cat ATV with plow instead of a snowmobile this year.
The board had their meeting at the groomer shed with mechanic Bobby Collins. Bobby explained what he was working on, and Brian Scheid set up a date to wash the groomers. The Board thought Bobby was doing a good job.
Phyllis Case will work with the Derby Track to select the next Derby Queen who will also be Miss Sno-Eagle.
The November Saturday Night Out was at the Loon Saloon in Three Lakes.
Bob Stencil reported the use of the brush-hog this fall saved a lot of work that his committee would have had to perform.
Holly reported the snowmobile trails will open December 10th snow or no snow!