At the January 7, 2010 board meeting held in the Century 21 offices, President Max Rockafellow announced that he is working with Buzz Regez and the accountants to file for IRS 501c7 status.
Club membership is now at 154 paid members. Bob Stencil reported all trails were brushed prior to opening.
Trail Boss Tom Tomlanovich informed the board that grooming is being done nightly. Tom also stated the cost to repair the rubber tracks on the groomer was expensive. It was deemed more cost effective to replace the rubber tracks with a set of tracks with metal cleats. This was approved by the board, and the tracks were purchased and installed.
Bugs announced he will again sell Take Pride and Ride raffle tickets during the two Derby weekends.
Tom Otto and his wife are hosting the Weekend Away for February 12-14 at Houghton, MI.
Miss Sno-Eagle 2010, Bridgette Darton, will be attending all the Derby activities.
At the February meeting, Bugs reported the Take Pride and Ride raffle brought in $4,530 for the club. Thank you Bugs. The Sno-Eagles were the top selling club. The end of January found the trails with little snow, and Tom reported grooming has slowed down.
This being an even numbered year, the annual elections will be for the offices of president, secretary, and two directors. Chris and Tiffany Kloiber have the new Sno-Eagles website up and running.
In February, VP Ken Storms announced that of the eleven snowmobile clubs in Vilas County, four now have the three-digit intersection emergency signing in place. The Sno-Eagles is one of the four clubs with these signs in place.
Here are some pictures from the Weekend Away to Houghton, MI in February.
At the March board meeting, VP Ken Storms stated that President Max Rockafellow was in the hospital in Weston, and that he would be the acting President.
Due to little snow, Trail Boss Tom suspended grooming operations. Ken read a few emails that he received regarding the poor condition of trails.
At the March general membership meeting, Ken informed the club about the success of the Take Pride and Ride raffle and that the dinner coupon booklets raised another $2,740 for grooming.
Heating costs dropped by 40% with the newly insulated ceiling in the groomer shed. All trails closed March 12 this year. Fred Rockafellow will be organizing the Annual Golf Outing again this year. The annual elections were held with Ken Storms being elected President, Leroy Kibbel VP for one year, Cheryl Storms Secretary, and Bugs Mathieu and Dennis Del Ponte elected as directors. Steve Linn volunteered to be the meeting site coordinator for the year.
By the April meeting, Jim Fabish was organizing volunteers to perform the spring highway clean-up along Highways 17 & 70.
At the August Board meeting, President Ken reported that Uncle Kent’s Restaurant would like a snowmobile spur constructed for his business. Uncle Kent’s will prepare a trail and provide signs and funding for the club. Motion passed.
Holly reported that business support was down $6,000 from last year and that the groomer fund was short $3,000.
Bob Stencil announced that trail brushing will begin September 16 and continue every Thursday from 8-noon.
Ken suggested having a Trig’s fundraiser in the fall and Audrey is looking into this idea. The annual picnic at Kathan Inn went well.
At the September board meeting Ken announced that Tom and Holly will continue as Trail Boss and Grooming Accountant. Bugs announced that WRJO and Trackside will be sponsoring the Take Pride and Ride raffle again this year. The 2010-2011 budget was approved which showed and estimated $72,525 in income and $72,525 in expenses. Jim Ayers and his map salespeople are doing a great job with trail maps for 2011.
During the September membership meeting President Ken announced that Jeff & Kathy Sluzenski are hosting the Weekend Away February 4-6 at Ishpeming, MI with the theme being “Halloween”.
The first Annual Brat & Bake sale at Trig’s is scheduled for September 25 with Dennis and Sandy Kirby as Chairpersons.
At the October board meeting it was noted the club earned a profit of $582.10 from the Brat & Bake sale. The 2011 pins arrived and are priced at $3.00. Jim Fabish commented that his crew has completed the rubber belting installation on all but two bridges which he plans on finishing in October.
The Sno-Eagles Christmas party will be held at Riverstone Restaurant with Jeanine Mathieu and Karen Engels as our hostesses.
AWSC announced that the accidental death life insurance was raised to $2500.
Because of heavy storm damage in late October, Bob Stencil is asking for more volunteers in November to help clean up trails.
Jeanine Rockafellow announced there were no applications for Miss Sno-Eagle. The club asked the current Miss Sno-Eagle, Bridgette Darton, to be Miss Sno-Eagle for next year. She accepted.
Sally Ayers will be organizing the Snowmobile Safety class in January. Brian Scheid has created a Facebook account for the Sno-Eagles.