The December 2000 Club Christmas party was held at the White Spruce with the biggest news being Kourtney Kubacki was selected Miss Sno-Eagle for 2001.  Kourtney is a 16 year old high school student from Eagle River.

Miss Sno-Eagle, Kourtney Kubacki. Snowmobile suit donated by Trackside
In a combined ceremony Julie Munz (left) was crowned Derby Queen  and Kourtney Kubacki (right) was crowned Miss Sno-Eagle

The other big news in December 2000 was that Headwaters took possession of the new Bombardier BR-180.

The Sno-Eagles donated $11,900 to Headwaters Trails with the funds going toward a new trail groomer and drag worth about $120,000. Tom Tomlanovich (left) of Headwaters Trails accepted the check from Gene Kozicki, Sno-Eagles board member

In January, the budget of $35,000 was approved. Audrey Stearns reported that 15 businesses have not paid for map ads. Also, in January the discussion started on what to do with the old signs “Welcome to Sno-Eagles Country” at the Dairy Queen and by Holiday North as the club is looking into getting new signs. Rudy Spiess suggested that ½ of one sign should be put on the groomer shed, which was done.

Sno-Eagles and Headwaters Trails teamed up to erect a new welcome sign. The sign was funded by the Sno-Eagles. Specialty Services of Eagle River and America’s Best Tree Service volunteered their equipment and labor to erect the sign.
Volunteers pose with the finished product. Left to right: Jerry Tahtinen, Tom Tomlanovich, Wayne Zelinski, Mac McCoy, and Max Rockafellow
In Florence County, 70% of national forest land will be shut down to snowmobilers. Governor Tommy Thompson is setting up a commission to challenge the Clinton law.


Jim & Sally Ayers thanked Tom & Donna Bucher for their help with the Weekend Away which was a fun filled weekend in MI. 52 members participated in the Weekend Away.

The Spaghetti dinner fundraiser at the Hiawatha Supper Club netted the club $533, which the club donated to Headwaters Trails.


In March, Headwaters Trails reported purchasing a heavy duty pressure washer for $2700, and Headwaters asked the Sno-Eagles for more money as they are running out of money this year.


The Sno-Eagles recently received $750 in donations for parking cars at the Derby Track. Irene and Don Range of the Sno-Eagles accepted a check from track owner Chuck Decker. The club will use the money for maintenance and grooming
The Sno-Eagles donated $2,835 to Headwaters Trails. During the current snowmobile season the Sno-Eagles donated $15,335 to Headwaters Trails for trail grooming and equipment. Tom Tomlanovich (left) from Headwaters Trails and Wayne Selinski (right) from the Sno-Eagles
In May 2001 Mac & Jan McCoy hosted the 3rd annual Mother’s Day Brunch at White Spruce Inn with funds benefitting Headwaters Trails. AWSC reports there were 243,382 registered sleds in Wisconsin this year.


June 2001 meant that the club was planning the annual summer events:  July 4th parade, picnic at Braywood, canoe trip and selling refreshments at the County Fair.


At the August Board meeting Max Rockafellow suggested getting local businesses to join the Sno-Eagles, to increase donations and to increase membership.


Sportsman’s Chalet is holding a chicken cookout benefit for Headwaters.


The annual elections were held at the September meeting with Jerry Tahtinen elected President, Max Rockafellow VP, Audrey Stearns Treasurer, Jeanne Rockafellow Secretary. Don Range, Edie Kukanich, Don Goldschmidt, and Jim Fabish were elected Directors.


Bob Reimer organized the annual Hayride departing from the Kukanich home and traveling to the Buckatabon shelter for a chili cookout.


At the October 2001 meeting Dick Decker informed the club that the City of Eagle River applied and received the copyright for “Snowmobile Capital of the World”.  Nobody else in the U.S. applied for this name.


The Hayride was cancelled due to lack of participation.


At the November AWSC conference our Miss Sno-Eagle Kourtney Kubacki placed as first runner up to our 1999 Miss Sno-Eagle Katie Burzinski who was now representing Edgerton Sundowners


Katie Burzinski (left) won the title of 2001-2001 AWSC Miss Snowflake, while Kourtney Kubacki (right) placed as second runner-up in the competition

Donna Richter is the host for the Annual Christmas Party to be held December 8 at the Eagle River Inn. Jim Fabish reported to the club in December that he had 26-27 signs that needed replacing at a cost of $1500.