The December 1999 Club Christmas party was held at the Logging Camp Kitchen & Still. The party was absolutely wonderful and thank you to Donna Richter for hosting the Christmas party. During the Christmas party the new Miss Sno-Eagle for 2000-2001 was crowned. She is Candice Williams of Eagle River.
The City of Eagle River held a Family 2000 Celebration in January 2000. As part of the Y2K celebration there was a snowmobile parade through town terminating at the Derby Track for fireworks. Sno-Eagles hosted the snowmobile parade.
The 2000 budget was set at $34,400 and approved by the club. Max Rockafellow reported that Headwaters Trails got a loan approved at 7 ¼% to purchase a new Tucker.
The BR 160 needs repairs as it went into the water. Headwaters received donations of $1500 from the Chamber and $1900 from Days Inn. The club thanked Tom & Donna Bucher for hosting a great Weekend Away to Iron River, MI.
Jim Ayers said the February evening ride was a “dirt run” to Three Lakes. Gary Case was awarded the “Top Dog” award from the Weekend Away as he was always there to lend a helping hand.
In February, Headwaters Trails reported that their new Tucker had arrived, and they sold their Unimog truck.
The AWSC conference was held at Chula-Vista March 16-19. At the March membership meeting Tom Tomlanovich, President of Headwaters Trails, gave a report stating the Unimog truck sold for $30,000; the Tucker was working great; the club wants a 10 ft wide drag; the BR-160 needs more repairs but before the repairs started the Aspen snowmobile club offered $48,000 for the BR-160. Headwaters wants another new groomer – another Bombardier. The club is making $2600 per month payments on the Tucker and BR-160.
By the April membership meeting Max Rockafellow told the club that Headwaters had replaced their BR-160 and got a trade in value of $48,000 toward a 2001 BR-180 which costs $110,000. They also approved purchasing a new Sno-Boss 10 ft wide drag for next season.
Audrey Stearns reported that 4 businesses still have not paid for their map ads. One business is now out of business. Max reported that there were 5 snowmobile deaths this season.
Holly Tomlanovich of Headwaters Trails was working on a website for Headwaters Trails and was trying to sell ad space.
The Sno-Eagles were looking for ways to improve membership, as it was stagnant at around 120 members.
Sally Ayers and the White Spruce Inn held a Mother’s Day Brunch on May 14th with proceeds going to Headwaters Trails.
The big news in June 2000 is that the Department of the Interior is now banning snowmobiling in National Parks. Members should call their representatives to tell them how unhappy they are.
Miss Sno-Eagle Candi Williams rode on the float for the July 4th of July parade. Chief Sparse Feathers and his squaw are hosting the Annual Canoe trip in July.
Mac McCoy and Elmer Jensen coordinated the Summer picnic at Braywood in August.
In August it was announced that Jim & Sally Ayers will host the Weekend Away in February 2001 with the destination of Norway, MI.
During the September membership meeting annual elections were held with Jerry Tahtinen elected President, Max Rockafellow VP, Audrey Stearns Treasurer, Jeanne Rockafellow Secretary. Wayne Zelinski, Louis Van Dyke, Tom Montag, Mac McCoy, and Gene Kozicki were elected Directors.
In October President Jerry reported that the Northern Lights club is trying to merge with Three Lakes club, but it will not make it as there is too much division between the clubs.
Audrey Stearns reported in December that the Sno-Eagles had an audit of their books and found them to be correct. Currently the club has $17,656 in checking and $5,704 in CD for assets.
Sally Ayers reported that the December Snowmobile Safety Course was conducted with 60 attendees. The class turned more away.
Eagle Waters informed the club that they would host a benefit dinner/dance for the club this winter. Jerry will check this out.