A big thanks went out to Scott & Cindy Saunders for hosting a wonderful Christmas Party. Also thanks to our Safety School instructors Sally Ayers, Don Hendrickson, Bob Tallar, Pat Freeman, and Ron Schoessow for certifying 32 young snowmobilers.
The January membership meeting was held at Fleck’s Meadow Inn. The Derby Fling dinner dance is set for January 21. The Hiawatha Supper Club will be hosting a spaghetti benefit February 4, and the Honey Bear will host a fish fry February 5. The 1994-1995 budget was approved by the board. The budget has an estimated income of $43,000 with the largest income coming from map ads and sales of $15,000. The expense side had an estimated $43,100 of expenses with the largest being $5,000 to Headwaters and $5000 for printing the maps.
In February, Representative Mary Reynolds of Ladysmith introduced a bill to the State Legislature, “allowing a snowmobile to operate on a roadway within the boundaries of a city, town or village for the purpose of accessing a snowmobile trail.” Clubs are asked to call in support of the bill. The February membership dinner meeting was held at Spang’s with a cost of $10.
The March meeting had proposed bylaw changes adding two more directors to the board. The landowners are experiencing more and more snowmobilers driving off marked trails.
In April, with trails all closed, the Headwaters Trails board was selected with 3 representatives from the Sno-Eagles, one from the city, one from the Rotary Club, three from the Chamber, two from the Lions Club, and two at large members. This is the first year of such a large board for Headwaters.
The Spring Fling dinner was held May 13 at Eagle Waters. In May, Headwaters Trails elected Bruce Kaitchuck President, Pat Freeman VP, George Hallis Secretary-Treasurer.
Summer activities were planned to include the July 4th parade, annual canoe trip, and club picnic.
On June 15, at the Lincoln Town Hall, a public meeting was held to determine whether the Sno-Eagles trail system should remain under Sno-Eagles control or some other body. At the meeting, a motion was made that the Sno-Eagles dissolve themselves from the trail business. A vote was taken by the general membership and the motion passed. When the trails are inspected and approved by the county in December, Headwaters Trails will assume the grooming and the sign replacement tasks as well as trail maintenance. The business community will have time to decide if this will work in the future.
Don & Claudia Heiser will host the Weekend Away in February 16-18, 1996 at Chicagon Inn in Gaastra, MI. The club President asked the club “what does the club want to be, a social club, a fundraising club or what?”
In October the club had elections, electing Pat Freeman President, Gary Case VP, Claudia Heiser Secretary and Audrey Stearns Treasurer, with JoAnne Casey, Louie Van Dyke, Todd Stebbens and Elmer Jensen Directors. The hayride is planned for October and the Snowmobile Safety class is planned for December.
At the Christmas Party Kari Horant was selected Miss Sno-Eagle for 1995-1996.