We recently held our annual WDNR snowmobile safety class. This year 30 students, some from as far away as Wisconsin Dells, participated in the course. They were taught by club members Scott Linn, Chris Fuller, and Carole Linn who are WDNR certified snowmobile safety instructors.
The students learned some of the basics of snowmobiling such as snowmobile parts, snowmobile maintenance, and protective gear. They received instruction on riding positions, responsible riding, group riding, trail etiquette, and emergency situations.
A favorite part of the class was being able to use vision distorting lenses, “Drunk Buster” goggles, to simulate the effects of alcohol consumption on the body. Another highlight was learning about ice safety, emergency situations and survival, and snowmobile safety. There was an in-depth discussion of Wisconsin snowmobile laws.
Trackside donated three snowmobiles for the class that were utilized as training aids during the one-and-a-half-day course. This “hands-on” approach has been one of the successes of the class, allowing the students to work closely with instructors in small groups while learning about snowmobile parts and operations.
Lunch was provided by Buckshot’s Saloon and Eatery, Erin’s Pub n’ Grub, and JJ’s House of Dogs. Each of these establishments donated pizzas for the class. In addition, Trig’s donated soda.
At the end of class, all 30 students passed the exam and are proudly certified!
Special thanks to:
Scott Linn, Chris Fuller, and Carole Linn – our instructors
Jason Linn – student check-in and assistance with class preparations
Steve Linn – for soliciting snowmobile use, pizza, and soda donations
Ron Engels and Jerry Lathrop – snowmobile delivery and pickup
Trackside – use of 3 snowmobiles
Buckshot’s Saloon and Eatery – pizzas
Erin’s Pub n’ Grub – pizzas
JJ’s House of Dogs – pizzas
Trig’s – soda
This was a great team effort and we thank all who helped make the class the great success it was!